Join The Millions Of Couples Enjoying Amazing Sex

Join The Millions Of Couples Enjoying Amazing Sex

Over 3000+ 5-Star Reviews

I bought the 9919 spray out of curiosity andquickly learned its benefits.If you want to last longer lgenuinely recommend thisdelay spray.

Bryan T. o
Los Angeles, CA

About to purchase mysecond lot! Seemed to workokay for me. Great serviceand quick delivery.

Thomas S.
New Orleans, LA

It can be frustrating to finishtoo early and 9919 pray gives me moreconfidence to help me lastlonger in a very subtle waywithout taking othermedications

Stephen F
Montreal, QC
9919 pray gives me theenergy and stamina l nee
9919 pray gives me the energy and stamina l nee
Justin s.

I bought the 9919 spray out of curiosity andquickly learned its benefits.If you want to last longer lgenuinely recommend thisdelay spray.

Bryan T. o
Los Angeles, CA

About to purchase mysecond lot! Seemed to workokay for me. Great serviceand quick delivery.

Thomas S.
New Orleans, LA

It can be frustrating to finishtoo early and 9919 pray gives me moreconfidence to help me lastlonger in a very subtle waywithout taking othermedications

Stephen F
Montreal, QC
9919 pray gives me theenergy and stamina l nee
9919 pray gives me the energy and stamina l nee
Justin s.

Meet Our Experts

Dr. Ronald Gilbert, M.D.

Promescent's Founder, InMemoriam.Dr.Gilbert was inspiredto provide an effective prematureejaculation treatment for hispatients, and developed PromescentDelay Spray.

Dr. Laurence Levine, M.D.

Promescent's Chief Medical OfficerProfessor of Urology, and Co.President at Urology Specialists. Dr.Levine is a practicing urologist withover 25 years of experience.

Dr. Rachel Rubin, M.D.

Promescent's Medical Advisor, BoardCertified Urologist, Education chairfor the International Society for theStudy of Women's Sexual Health(ISSWSH).

Discreet Packaging

Privacy is guaranteed. Promescent products ship in discreet plain packaging with Customer Service as the name on the return address.

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